Balancing Your Practice For Strength, Resilience, Creativity, and Freedom

A fundamental skill for being present is increasing your capacity to be with the sensations of your body. One of the gifts of studying the Enneagram is the recognition that although everyone needs to develop presence, each of us is starting from a different place depending on our type, instinctual stack, and life experiences.

So what’s the best way to go about practicing to be more present? It depends.

When you know the Enneagram, you know that:

Some Enneagram types more easily gravitate toward structure and discipline while other types more easily gravitate toward movement … READ MORE

Building Resilience to Get Through the Tough Times

Being an entrepreneur can be like a roller-coaster ride of exhilaration (whee, I’m on top of the world!) and terror (help, this thing is going downhill!).  With no big company behind you, and maybe no other employees beside you, you need to rely on your own resilience and power to keep yourself going in the scary times.

Let’s talk about how you can build that resilience and power in your body.

Why your body? Because when things get scary, your body will want to default to its natural stress response. This could look like:

Flight (hiding under the … READ MORE