About the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a powerful lens that helps you to see your gifts and challenges so that you can access your deepest potential. What distinguishes the Enneagram from many other personality tools is that it explicitly contains a developmental path that shows you what is possible when you move in the direction of your core nature, and how to recognize habitual beliefs, feelings, and actions that are standing in the way.

One of the fundamental tenets of the Enneagram is that we have three centers of intelligence: the Body, Heart, and Head. As we learn to let the wisdom of all three centers speak through us, we change how we know ourselves and who we are capable of being in the world.

EICertified Teacher2013JpegAfter two decade of experience with this system, I am still struck by its richness and accuracy. I am a certified Riso-Husdon Enneagram teacher through the Enneagram Institute and an Accredited Professional through the International Enneagram Association.

Here are some of the ways that I use and teach the Enneagram:

  • In my coaching practice since 2003 and as a teacher since 2015
  • Emerging Through the Triangle, an Integrative Program For Enneagram Types 3, 6, and 9. New cohort beginning early 2025!
  • Year-Long Enneagram Certification program with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb (Integration Facilitator and Lead Coach 2021; Integration Facilitator 2024)
  • Enneagram Global Summit (speaker since 2018, and privileged to be one of a small number of advanced-practice teachers on the 2023 Summit)
  • International Enneagram Association conferences: Keynote speaker (Amsterdam 2024), workshop presenter (California 2019 and Egypt 2020)
  • Co-founder of New York Enneagram with John Luckovich

Click on the links below to:

I was first introduced to Julie Harris years ago through online Global Summits and Enneagram course offerings, and have been privileged to be a student in her integration sessions of the current Enneagram Program. Julie has a unique way of explaining and demonstrating difficult concepts and knowings. I appreciate her stillness, yet enthusiastic, visual and embodied approach to both teaching and living with the Enneagram. There is a compassionate yet laser-beam directness and astuteness about Julie that I find compelling and refreshing. She seems to embody the both/and of non-duality.

Jackie Ré, MACC, LCADC, CCTP, Alina Lodge & Haley House

Want to learn more about the ENNEAGRAM?

The starting place for my work with the Enneagram is Essence. Essence has a depth and a fluidity that is best communicated through creative expression like art, poetry, dance, and music.  

Get a preview of my Pinterest boards for a visual overview of the essential qualities of each Enneagram type below. Each image can be pinned directly from this page or you can see more by clicking the button beneath each image.