About Julie Harris

No matter where you are or what has happened to you in your journey, I believe that each of us has a depth of self that wants to be known and to take its place in the world.

In the process of learning to welcome the fullness of your being with compassion and curiosity, you can open the door for the felt experience and embodiment of many transformational qualities, including authenticity, truth, spaciousness, imagination, power, kindness, connection, and communion.

I’m an explorer and a companion on the journey of discovering and expressing this beautiful mystery inside us. My work is influenced by my adventures in the natural world; pilgrimage to India and Egypt; the power of language, story, and mythology; creative expression through art, writing, movement, and voice; and a wide range of individual and communal spiritual practices. 

A core part of my approach centers on working with the body to move what is stuck, focus what is scattered, or open what seems closed. Because so much of our sense of ourselves is unconsciously held in the body, learning to tune into its wisdom is an effective and impactful way to expand how we experience ourselves. An alive body is a robust foundation for an attuned heart and an awake mind. 

When I work with you, I bring everything I have:  my analytical ability, my creativity; my compassion, my straight-talk; my love of concepts, my experience with practices; my business experiences, my spiritual studies. If I think it can serve you, I’ll bring it.

I trust the innate intelligence of each person, the field of presence that is created when we are sincere and curious about what’s here now, and the creativity that arises to meet whatever is needed in that moment.

Here are my formal areas of study:

  • BA, English, University of Pennsylvania
  • MBA, Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University
  • Integral Coach certification, New Ventures West
  • Certified Integrative Breathwork Facilitator, Inspiration Community
  • Riso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher, The Enneagram Institute
  • Hatha yoga certification and Rajanaka yoga philosophy

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(973) 768-8871

Portrait photography by Timothi Jane Graham. Additional photos by Doug Silsbee and Julie Harris. Branding by Morgan Haines of a little creative.