Regarding Julie’s coaching, I hardly know where to start. Her process skills are impeccable; she can hold space, (and silence, when need be), she engages in deep listening and can be with you wherever your journey takes you, she asks thoughtful and provocative questions and I’ve never felt judged at any point in time. She doesn’t take on any more than is hers to own. She is a beautiful guide who helps hold a stringline toward your purpose.

– Sandy Bennetts,

About Coaching: Who It’s For

I coach everyone from organizational leaders to entrepreneurs to college students or relatively new graduates who want to get themselves aligned with who they are and what they love to do in the world.

What my clients have in common is a sincere desire to learn and grow, and a willingess to experiment and be surprised.

You might be:

  • Looking for a new job, new career, or new level of contribution that fully leverages your gifts and interests.
  • Looking to optimize the way you lead your business so that you are making a deeper contribution to your field.
  • Ready to start or ramp up an entrepreneurial endeavor after leaving a large company.
  • Interested in deepening your spiritual life or your understanding of personality dynamics through the Enneagram
  • Wanting to make a more meaningful contribution while continuing your commitment to your family, your health, or other important personal interests.
  • Interested in bringing more creative expression to your work and life.

Have more questions?  Take a look at the FAQ, read what people have to say about working with me, or click here to set up a complimentary consultation.

Promises: Mine & Yours

I promise to be trustworthy, to adapt to your learning style, to listen carefully, to speak truthfully and respectfully, and to remain objective so that I can create the environment in which you can move forward. I will recommend a developmental path that will move you toward your desired outcomes and stretch you toward consideration of fresh perspectives.

I ask that you promise to be honest about your intentions, needs, thoughts and behaviors, to be open to new ways of looking at and doing things, and to take responsibility for your choices and actions during the engagement. The extent to which you engage in the coaching process is the extent to which you will see a benefit from our work together.  

Working with Julie has been an incredible learning process for me. To be quite honest, when I started, what I really wanted was to learn what coaching was all about. I had heard so much and met coaches and ran my team through coaching but never had experienced it firsthand. My engagement so far has exceeded my expectations overall, and especially in terms of depth. It's not about being a better boss or improving communication or empathy skills, but about understanding myself down to my source code."

- Randy Kissling

*My practice is currently full and I am not taking on individual clients at this time. Please join me at one of my group offerings in 2025 and enjoy the Free Resources.*

Our work together will help you to recognize, access, and activate 
the gifts that you already possess 
so that they can be powerfully expressed in the world.

Let’s talk so that:

  • I can learn more about you and why you’re considering coaching.
  • You can learn more about me, and how I work with my clients.
  • We can both get a feel for whether we would work well together.