COVID Policy and Mutual Care

In-person workshops are an opportunity to deepen our connection to ourselves and to the larger body of community and nature. Group breathwork will be practiced to support the transformational nature of the workshop.

Because breathwork puts me and you into close contact with each other, we will be practicing mutual care before and during the workshop to protect the health of all, especially those who are or live with people in high-risk categories.

This policy of mutual care works! So far, no one has had to cancel their attendance at an in-person workshop due to illness, and everyone has stayed healthy during the retreat.

Our beliefs are our own and we don’t have to agree about what we believe. Whatever our beliefs, we can choose what actions we will commit to prior to and during our time together. My stand is that I’m doing what I can to teach in person without putting my own health or the health of others at risk. Being part of a community (even one that we are creating for a day or a few days) requires clear agreements.

Here are the elements of the practice of mutual care that I will commit to and ask you to commit to if you come to an in-person Riverbend Coaching workshop:

Ventilation and Being Outside

My intention during in-person workshops is to be outdoors as much as possible, both because an important focus of my work is connection with nature, and to reduce the airborne risk of COVID transmission.

Any retreat center that hosts one of my retreats will have plenty of outdoor space as well as well-ventilated options that we can use if it rains (although that’s unlikely in New Mexico in September). Food will be set up in the dining room, which is spacious and has windows. You are also welcome to take your meals outdoors.

In the case of extreme weather, we can use the central meeting space at the UnU Center, which has doors and windows that can be opened for ventilation.

Masks are not required during the retreat, and, you may wear one if you wish to.

Preparing to Come Together

A well-fitting N95 mask filters out the small particles of COVID variants like Omicron, and is much more effective protection that a cloth or surgical mask. Wearing a mask prior to the retreat and during travel means that we don’t have to wear them during the retreat.

I request that you practice the following to lessen the chance that any of us will bring COVID to the workshop:

  • For the week prior to the retreat: wear an N95 mask if you are in public indoor spaces or avoid public indoor spaces
  • If you are traveling to the retreat using public transportation (air, train, bus): Wear an N95 mask in any indoor public spaces (e.g. the airport or the station as well as the plane or bus) before, during, and after travel

Not Attending If You Are Ill

If you are sick with COVID symptoms, please do not come to the retreat. I am happy to provide the $400 tuition portion of the retreat fee as a credit for any other work with me. You may wish to buy travel insurance to cover any other lost expenses such as lodging, food, and travel.

If you begin to feel ill at any time during the retreat, please let me know immediately so that we can support your health and limit your exposure to others. I will have rapid tests available if you need one.

If You Have Further Questions

If you want to speak with me further about this policy, please write to me.