Small Group Form

One of the opportunities of this program is to participate in smaller online discussion groups in addition to the main group forum. These groups include:

  • Four online type-specific groups: one for Threes, one for Sixes, one for Nines, and one for people who are still in the process of discerning their dominant type
  • An optional small group online chat for 3-4 people (mixed types)

Thank you for taking a minute to fill out this form so that I can assign you to the appropriate group!

"*" indicates required fields

What is your dominant Enneagram point?*
What time zone will you be in during the program?*

Would you like to be connected with a small group of two or three other people during the program?*
The intention is to have a mix of types in similar time zones.

Engaging Together Online: Emerging Through the Triangle is about honoring the autonomy of each individual and respecting the shared space that we are creating together.

In support of our individual and shared emergence, you agree to be responsible for your choices and your physical, mental, and emotional well-being during the program. You also agree to meet your fellow participants with curiosity, presence, and a spirit of mutual care; to maintain the confidentiality of whatever is said in class or posted in the group forums; and to refrain from giving advice unless someone has explicitly asked for it.

Please type your name below to agree to the online guidelines.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.