Leaning Into the Fault Line: A Love Letter to Inverness

“Boundaries limit and divide.They mark where one thing ends and another begins. Boundaries are also places of dynamic change…The San Andreas Fault is such a boundary, the division between two great tectonic plates: the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.”

From the National Park Service, describing the geological underpinnings of the Point Reyes National Seashore

the San Andreas Fault

For the second year in a row, I visited Limantour Beach on the afternoon of my last day in Inverness. … READ MORE

Here, Right Now

Sunday at 6:30 am, the last morning of the retreat and I’m standing at the edge of the Hudson River. The water is smooth and still, the fog hangs around the trees. I watch as it expands and lifts, the pink mist yielding to the deep blue of the emerging day.

On the way back to town, Essence speaks to me through the radio, as she often does when I’ve been turning my attention toward her. She brings me a song, and I play it to open up our session for the day. And then the song keeps playing … READ MORE