A Simple Way to Support Yourself With Breath

When I’m working with clients, I often guide them through breath and presence practices to help them discover deeper reservoirs of capacity. Right now, I’m noticing that breath practices are giving my clients access to places of strength, calm, and peace. They are learning that these states can coexist with and respond intelligently to the suffering that’s happening across the world.

Effective breath practices regulate your nervous system so that you can skillfully meet opportunities and challenges. I’ve chosen today’s breath practice for two reasons:

It’s been shown to help you be more resilient by bringing your heart, … READ MORE

Are You Walking the Dog, or Is the Dog Walking You?

“Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar

If you’re a smart, creative person (which I know that you are if you’re reading this blog post 😊), than you probably feel like you have a fair degree of control over what you say and do in the world.

I have some surprising news for you: the majority of your thoughts, feelings, and actions are deeply influenced by habitual patterns that have been with you for a very long time.

Your body … READ MORE

Are You Curious?

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”
— Shunryu Suzuki

One of the ways that people get stuck in old patterns is by losing connection with their innate curiosity. If you’ve ever watched a baby or a child navigate the world, you know that human beings are born with a natural drive to explore ourselves, others, and the world around us.

When you’re in this place of curiosity, you are rooted in your moment‐by moment experience, like a child who wants to know “What’s … READ MORE

Taking Right Action

Have you ever said or done something and knew, deep in your bones, that it was the right action to take? If so, you’ve experienced the sensation of Integrity.

Being guided by Integrity feels energizing and purposeful, like a clear, directed channel that sweeps away constrictions and effortlessly focuses your movement. I’ve felt this sensation emerge during conversations that have been mired in conflict, when an apology or an expression of authentic emotion has broken the stalemate. At other times, I’ve found myself standing up to make a declaration that … READ MORE

How to Keep a Commitment No Matter What You’re Up Against

Years ago, I traveled to a somewhat remote location to attend my company’s annual sales and marketing launch meeting. We were at least four hours from any major airport, and much of the conversation on arrival was about what a pain in the neck it had been to get there.

The Sales VP was aware of the narrative that was circulating about the meeting, and he chose to open the first session with a video about Bill Porter, a door-to-door salesman who was born with cerebral palsy.

It’s worth watching the whole video here, but if you’re short on time, start … READ MORE